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How to become a developer

Answers to 7 Common Questions About Becoming a Developer

Last Updated on November 10, 2022 by Career Reload Team

Programmers serve as the digital world’s architects and are responsible for making sure that our online interactions are seamless in today’s environment, which involves programming in practically every facet of life. Those of you considering a career in coding undoubtedly already know this. You undoubtedly also are aware of the increased demand for programmers in the nation and are eager to move forward.

So, how to become a developer? What skills do you need to become a developer? We collected eight frequently asked (or secretly googled) questions and answered them.

1. What is a developer?

If your title is (software) developer, your duties can include many things, depending on the workplace. Software development can include everything from design to development, maintenance, and testing. The prefix in front of the word “Developer” tells more about the job duties.

2. What is the difference between front-end, back-end, and full-stack developer?

Yep, those prefixes. You’ve certainly come across them if you’ve looked at any titles in the IT industry. What is the difference between front-end, back-end, or full-stack developer, for example?

Let’s take a website for example front-end developer creates what is seen on the website. They determine where the elements are located on the pages and what happens when the element is clicked, for example.

The back-end developer, on the other hand, focuses on creating what happens in the background of the front.

And full-stack is a combination of the two, so a full-stack developer does both. For example, startups and small companies employ a lot of full-stack developers, because they don’t necessarily have enough tasks for both front-end and back-end experts, but need experts who can do both.

Here’s more:

Front-end Developer

The front-end developer understands the needs of the user of the digital service. In this job, the most important part is the part that is visible to the end user of online services. The part you see when you navigate to a website or open a mobile application.

Regarding coding languages, the front-end developer knows at least HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. They know the principles of responsive design and know how to use code libraries. Visuality and user interface design go hand in hand with code. You can find a front-end developer, for example, in the marketing or digital marketing unit.

Cooperates with back-end developers and full-stack developers.

Usually a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Many people also learned on the job.

Other requirements
Typically, at least knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Back-end Developer

The Backend Developer maintains and optimizes the site in the background, quite inconspicuously for the end user. When something in the backend doesn’t work, then even users notice the existence of the backend developer when they rush to fix the problem.

The back-end developer is responsible for calculations, logic, database operation, and service efficiency, among other things. The back-end developer is responsible for development tasks related to databases and server maintenance.

Back-end developer typically works in the development team of corporate services. In their work, they collaborate with web designers, front-end developers, and UX and UI Designers to promote the functionality of websites.

Usually a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Many people also learned on the job.

Other requirements
Programming languages ​​such as Python, Java, PHP, and Ruby. In addition, databases such as SQL.

Full-Stack Developer

The full-stack developer does it all. The name “full-stack” comes from the fact that, in practice, this person could make a site or application by themselves, from start to finish. This developer wizard manages all the work steps required for it.

Full-stack developer manages front-end development, i.e. the things visible to the end user of the website or application. In addition to this, the multi-talent in question is also at home with backend development, i.e. they also manage the things behind the website or application, such as databases and infrastructure. In the best case, a full-stack developer is knowledgeable about UX and UI design, which are the forces behind a pleasant user experience and a clear user interface for the end user.

Usually a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Many people also learned on the job.

Other requirements
Typically proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In addition to this, you may know Ruby, PHP, and Python. Manages databases, and possibly UX/UI.

UI/UX Designer

The UI/UX Designer is responsible for ensuring that the interaction between the web or mobile service and its user is seamless. This expert refines the desired user experience (UX), and user interface (UI) and develops usability together with the front-end developer, web developer, and back-end developer.

In addition to visual vision, the work creatively utilizes user research and data. The end result is almost always a graphical user interface. That’s why the UI/UX designer is often either experienced in the graphic field or works closely with graphic designers.

Usually a bachelor’s degree in graphic design, or a university degree in design management.

Other requirements
This professional often knows coding languages such as HTML or CSS. They are familiar with Design Sprints and various methods such as Scrum, Agile and Lean.

3. How do a UX/UI designer and developer differ from each other?

These jobs are completely different from each other! A designer identifies the needs of users and plans how websites, applications, or any other services look and how they want them to function.

For example, a designer design and create the necessary materials, and the developer then implements the plan created.

You don’t have to know how to code, but it is useful. When you understand the code, you know what is possible to do and what should be done, or how much work the designed solution requires.

4. Does someone who wants to become a coder have to have certain skills? Do you have to be good at math?

The most important thing in this job is enthusiasm, motivation, and the desire to learn new things and search for new information. No one is ever a complete expert in this field.

You don’t have to be good at math, but the job requires logical reasoning ability.

If you make a basic website, you don’t need to know any complicated algorithms. Of course, the skill requirements depend on what you do. For example, when developing games, you have to calculate angles, in which case physics and mathematics studies are useful.

5. HTML, Java, CSS… Where should I start learning?

It’s a good idea for anyone interested in learning coding to go to a code camp or a course that teaches the basics of coding. It’s worth testing what kind of feeling you get and whether you get the feeling that this is your own thing. There is also a great selection of online courses, which are also available for free these days. For example, Codecademy offers free courses to a certain extent.

One of the easiest coding languages ​​is JavaScript. Python, on the other hand, is a “fairly easy” basic language. The choice of programming language is greatly influenced by what you want to do in the field.

If you are more design-oriented or want to think about websites as a whole, you could start by learning HTML and CSS, even though they are not programming languages.

6. How do you become a coder? What is the coder’s training like?

There is not just one route to becoming a coder. Many end up in the technology field through a hobby, and the study backgrounds of professionals in the field vary. Independent study is particularly important in the field. A degree is not necessarily needed. It is useful, but if you specifically want to become a coder, self-study is the best way.

There are many online platforms to study coding, here are a few of them.

Online education platforms specified in coding:

Codecademy and CodeAvengers offer affordable monthly subscriptions and a broad selection of courses. While Skillcrush and TreeHouse might be a bit more expensive but they could be the right choice for you due to other features­.

Other websites also offering coding among other courses:

7. What does a coder’s working day include?

Coder’s work day includes various tasks. The day can often include, for example, planning, problem-solving, a lot of testing, writing tests, coding yourself, checking other people’s code, and coding together. In addition, when working in a team, the team makes decisions about various technical solutions, looks at analytics, and analyzes changes.