Doctor’s note template, where you can fill in the blank by hand or fill it out on the computer. You can get the doctor’s note template in Word, Google Docs, and PDF. It can be used for both upcoming medical appointments and previous illnesses. You can use this template for school or work. Each company has its own policies on whether you need to provide a doctor’s note or not. The policies also vary on whether you need to provide the medical excuse note after you return to work or on the day of absence.
Doctor’s Excuse Slip
When you need a doctor’s note for work or school, you have come to the right place. Download the fill-in-the-blank doctor’s note template for work below. If you need an email template to send to work when you discover that you are sick, read the article on how to write a sick day email (with examples).
Fill-in-the-Blank Doctor’s Note Template
This template features checkboxes and fields to complete with all the necessary information. This form is suitable for authorizing absences due to past illnesses or upcoming medical appointments, as it is designed to accommodate both scenarios.
Fillable Doctor’s Excuse Template
Similar to fill-in-the-blank doctor’s note but this works as a template where you fill in the doctor’s information only once and fill in the rest by hand.