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Build a professional network

How to Build Your Professional Network

If you ask anyone who has made a name for themselves how they succeeded, you’ll discover that it’s through their connections. Unfortunately, these connections were never handed to them. They had to work hard to build a professional network. Their reliable network has opened lots of doors for them over the years. Some connections offered them valuable advice that has helped them with career and personal growth.

The ever-changing market requires people to learn new skills and adapt to remain competitive. With the right network, you can learn the right skills and build a successful career. Here are some key strategies to help you build and expand your professional network.

Start or Join Your College Alumni Club

An alumni social media group or club presents an exceptional way to start your journey to building a professional network. If you’re about to graduate, you can create a social media group or join an existing one and chat with professionals. Fortunately, most of these clubs have a social media page where they post the venue and dates for their professional and social events.

Some colleges have subgroups based on interest and year of graduation. This means you can connect with the people you graduated with or the older ones already in the job market. You can visit their social events and chat with most of them while exchanging business cards.

Create a LinkedIn Account

Social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn, can help create an exceptional networking landscape. Most professionals rely on this platform for references, reviews, introductions, and referrals. With a well-optimized profile, LinkedIn can connect you with other professionals in your industry from different campuses and even countries.

On LinkedIn, people share their experiences and vacancies, so you might find a job while networking. Additionally, you can learn more about a company from its other employees before interviewing. You can use this platform in the following ways:

  • Even if you interacted with someone briefly, adding them to your LinkedIn network can be quite valuable. Connecting with your other contacts via LinkedIn can grant you access to what they share online. It also lets you connect with other people in the network.
  • Learn more about people working in your industry. Unlike most platforms, LinkedIn lets you connect with others in your industry. You can connect with them and learn more about each other.

You can initiate an intentional outreach if you already have an established profile. After connecting with other professionals, you can chat with them and learn more about their careers. If you meet someone in person, you should listen more and speak less.

Other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter can also help you connect with some alumni and network. However, LinkedIn is designed for networking and has everything you’ll ever need to create an online professional network.

Attend Local Networking Events

Industrial seminars and conferences are also quite reliable when it comes to networking. In these events, you can meet and talk to other like-minded individuals in person and learn more about their journeys. You can look for all the events happening in your city online and attend the ones aligned to your goals.

You may have to pay an entry fee for some seminars, but the experience and people you’ll meet are worth it. Make sure you dress well, practice your pitch, and carry your business cards. Some seminars or conference facilitators have a social media page or group where they advertise these events and share more. Before the event ends, you should ask them to add you to their group or follow you on Twitter.

Offer Value to Other Like-Minded Individuals

Generally, networking is a mutually beneficial endeavor. You should always have something to offer for them to include you in their network. You can offer your time, resources, and expertise to everyone around you. This will result in stronger relationships and more beneficial opportunities. People in your circle will even refer you to others needing your expertise.

Cultivate Your Existing Relationships

When creating a network, you should never overlook your existing relationships; instead, you should nurture them. The people around you should be the first to be included in your network. You can reach out to acquaintances, classmates, and former colleagues and catch up. Sharing career updates with people who already know you can be quite fruitful.

Maintaining these connections can result in valuable introductions and unexpected job opportunities. This will be quite fun since you’ll be catching up with people you haven’t seen in ages.


Networking is mutually beneficial. Before connecting with other people, you should know what you bring to the table. Once you establish yourself, you can approach other like-minded individuals and connect with them. Start by joining your college alumni club and creating a LinkedIn profile. Find out when they’ll meet and attend the events or any other industry-related conference. These events will introduce you to other like-minded individuals who can be part of your network.